Thursday, January 11, 2018

Little Blessing coming soon!!!!

Welcome to 2018!!!!
How excited we are to announce the soon coming of Charity's first foal!  This week we started to notice the baby kicking!!!!
   We have waited about 3 years for her to conceive so this is pretty exciting folks!  If you think of it, please say a prayer for Charity that the delivery would be smooth and without complications. 

Her diet consists of good, quality hay (alfalfa/grass mix), and a small scoop of a low starch feed mixed with red raspberry leaves.  Yummy!

My little dog, Katie Joy, loves to be near me when I'm out horsin' around. :)  I always enjoy her company.   And as you can see in the picture below our Shepherds, Duke and Sam like to be involved too!  :)

I'm hoping to get a video camera soon so that I can record the birth and share it here with you.  Stay in tune!!!!!