At 2 months of age, Rosie is maturing into a very, sweet, young lady! Baby horses are not born as a spook free, tame animal. It takes diligent effort and much patience and time spent with them to help them learn to control their emotions, and put their trust in those who love them most. :) At first Rosie did not like to be touched. Now she cannot be petted enough! Often when I am doing my chores or cleaning the barn I will feel a sweet little nose touch my leg and guess who it is - You're right, Rosie! It is so cute to watch her follow me in and out of the barn as I clean. (No wonder my barn chores take me so long. But who could resist giving attention to such an adorable, fuzzy, little horse?)!!! :) Also, she used to be very stubborn with letting us pick up her legs. Now she graciously lifts them up when I slide my hand down each leg. And in case you are wondering, Rosie is NOT a tiny horse. Her mother is a Welsh/Hackney that our family uses to pull a cart and her father is a miniature horse. So she does have some miniature blood in her but we do not consider her to be tiny.

She is already halter broke too!
Jasmine brought her out one day so that I could take some pictures. Rosie decided to get a little "showy" as she was trotting her around. Notice her high stepping and tail lifted high.
Sweet baby!
We don't know how long it will be before Rosie sells but I tell you what; I sure am enjoying every moment I have with her! ;)
Updated By: Lacy Sparks